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Setting A Crop Density Target

Currently, the viewer uses default values to define the colour coding of the rows and bays. Colour coding can be changed by setting a crop density target.

Modifying the crop density target will help you better understand the distribution of densities on your orchard.

A Crop Density Target is set in the Fruit density workflow, learn how to access and view this workflow and data here.

DCE is only available through the desktop/mobile browser at and not in the Landkind mobile app

Set a Target

  1. Access the context menu by clicking the ellipsis (button with the three dots)

    Screenshot illustrating where you can find the context menu
  2. Select Set crop density target

    Screenshot illustrating where you can find the set crop density target link
  3. Set your upper, bottom, and target values for SunGold and Hayward

  4. Screenshot of the popup that appears where you can set your crop density targets

    Confirming target values will update the legend and map to reflect the values you have supplied

    Screenshot illustrating the legend that appears which illustrates different crop density targets
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