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Property Search by Location (Web)

In Landkind, you can manage multiple elements of a property individually. On our Web App, you can search for a property either by the property name or by the property address. Before you begin, ensure that you are able to sign in to your organisation

Follow our guide here to learn about searching for a property by Name or read on to discover our location search functionality.

Search for a Property by Address

  1. Hover on the house icon at the top of the side bar

  2. Click the arrow to show the search bar

  3. Toggle on Location

  4. Enter the property address to surface the search results

  5. All properties within the defined radius will show on the map and in the list of search results

  6. From here, you can explore the properties in the area or select an individual property

  7. Follow our Incursions Summary Export guide to learn how to export a list of properties within a defined radius

If you cannot see location as an option, it is not enabled for your organisation. Click on the contact us button in the bottom right of the screen to log a ticket with our help desk

Learn about the different Landkind Features and Workflows

Now that you’re set up in Landkind, you’re ready to get started and explore other features and workflows.

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