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Property Editor

A property is an area with a defined boundary as determined by survey, title, address or a combination of approaches. The associated information of the property can be edited using this function. Property information can only be managed from within an individual property, learn how to navigate to a property here.


When you navigate to the Property Editor workflow, the property boundary will be shown on the map along with the information held about the property.

Property_Editor - Copy.png

The Property Editor

Property Attributes

These fields provide important information about the property
and are used when PDF (Desktop) or Share Map Links are created.

Examples of attributes include:

  • Address

  • Postcode

  • State

  • Elevation

Attributes can be shown/hidden and set to mandatory/optional depending on your specific organisation requirements. Contact us if you would like to request changes to your setup.

Edit Property Info

When details of a property change, these need to be updated in Landkind. The information in this workflow is what will be populated on any PDF, JPEG or Share map links created. Property details can only be edited from within an individual property.

  1. Select the Property Editor workflow from the sidebar

  2. Select the ellipsis (three dots at top right of side bar)

  3. Select Edit Property Details

  1. Make changes as required

  2. Click Save to adopt the changes or Cancel to go back

If you cannot see the edit button, you do not have permissions to edit and should talk to your administrator.

Edit Property Boundary Area

When a property or its features are not printing within the print area, you can update the property boundary to adjust the way the property prints.

  1. Select the Property Editor workflow from the sidebar

  2. Select the ellipsis (three dots at top right of side bar)

  3. Select Edit Property Details

  4. Click on the vertices (points) of the yellow property boundary to change its area

    1. The orange circles are existing vertices.

    2. The white circles are the mid point between two existing vertices.

    3. If you click on the white vertices you will create a new vertex that you can adjust while leaving the pre-existing vertices the same.

  1. Click Save to adopt the changes, Reset geometry changes to recommence drawing or Cancel to go back

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