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The Hazards workflow identifies the location of both temporary and permanent hazards on the property.


When you first navigate to a property, the boundary of the orchard is visible in its spatial location. When you navigate to the hazards workflow, a detailed spatial view of the hazards on the property will display, including a list of the hazards in the sidebar.

From here you can click in to view individual feature attributes.


The Hazards workflow

  1. Search bar: Here you can search for a hazard.

  2. Hazard list: This this the list of features on the map. You can click on a feature to view more information on it.

  3. Add hazard: Click this button to add more features to the map

  4. Chemical Shed: This is a chemical shed hazard point, click on it to view more info.

  5. Machinery Operating: This is a machinery operating hazard area click on it to view more info.

Types of Hazards

There are three types of drawing methods that can be used to identify hazards on the property depending on their nature and location

  1. Point is used when there’s just a single location for the hazard such as fuel tank or first aid

  2. Line is used for features such as gas line or steep slope

  3. Area is used for features such as a disposal pit, machinery operation, or water

Hazard Attributes

These are the fields on a hazard that contain important information used to identify the hazard.

Examples of attributes include:

  • Hazard name (label for map)

  • Hazard category (determines the icon displayed for the feature)

  • Reported by (Who identified the hazard)

  • Date observed (When it was first identified)

  • Severity

  • Description and location

  • Show label on map (“Yes” will display feature name with icon, “No” will hide the feature name to only display the icon)

  • Resolved date (When is this hazard expected to be removed)

Add Hazards

After clicking ‘Add hazard’ you will be presented with a list of available hazard types. These are split into three different geometry types.


You should select the correct type and geometry for the hazard.

Use point when there’s just a single location for the hazard such as fuel tank or first aid

Screenshot of the icon used to represent a map point geometry

Use line for hazards such as gas line or steep slope

Screenshot of the icon used to represent a map line geometry

Use area for hazards such as a disposal pit, machinery operation, or water

Screenshot of the icon used to represent a map polygon geometry

You can filter the list of available hazard types by typing in the search box or by clicking the filter button

  1. Search and Filter functions: Search to find a specific type of hazard to add. Filter to select a specific type of geometry (point, line or area)

  2. Selected hazard: The Gas Line hazard type has been selected

  3. Geometry: This is showing that it is a line hazard type

  4. Pagination: Here you can increase or decrease the number of hazard types in the list

  5. Reset Sketch: This becomes available when you have finished drawing. Double click to finish drawing

  6. Add details: This becomes available when you have finished drawing. Double click to finish drawing

  7. Created hazard: Draw on the map to create the selected feature type.

Add a Point hazard

  1. Click the hazard type in the menu to highlight it

  2. Click on the map to add the hazard at that location

  3. Use Reset sketch if you need to change the location

  4. Select Add details

  5. Enter the hazard details

  6. Click Save hazard or Back to cancel

Add a Line hazard

  1. Click the hazard type in the menu to highlight it

  2. Draw the line on the map by clicking on the start location and then double clicking to end the line

  3. Use Reset sketch if you need to redraw the line

  4. Select Add details

  5. Enter the hazard details

  6. Click Save hazard or Back to cancel

Add an Area hazard

  1. Click the hazard type in the menu to highlight it

  2. Draw the area on the map by clicking on the start location and then around the corners of the shape completing the shape by drawing the last point in the same place as they first point

  3. Use Reset sketch if you need to redraw the area

  4. Select Add details

  5. Enter the hazard details

  6. Click Save hazard or Back to cancel

Want to change the available hazards? Contact us and we can help out!

Edit a Hazard

  1. Select the Hazards to edit

  2. Select the ellipsis (three dots at top right of side bar when in an individual block)

  3. Select Edit

  4. Make changes as required

    1. Update information

    2. Change location of the hazard by moving the vertices (dots) on the map

      1. The orange circles are existing vertices.

      2. The white circles are the mid point between two existing vertices.

      3. If you click on the white vertices you will create a new vertex that you can adjust while leaving the pre-existing vertices the same.

      4. To move the whole hazard hover in the middle of it, Left Click and Hold to drag the feature to a new location.

  5. Click Reset geometry changes to move vertices back to original locations

  6. Click Save or Cancel to go back


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