Share Maps
You can use Landkind to create a shareable link to your property map. Share maps are the easy and secure way to share your maps with visitors, contractors and staff. Share map links will work for anyone - as long as the share map hasn’t expired or the share map is password protected.

Create New Link
Select the Share map workflow from the sidebar
Select the Share new map button at the bottom
Confirm the options, including Share map name, link expiry, accessibility and layers
Click Generate link to map
Select Copy link → Close
Share as required
Share map name: The name of the share map you are creating (required)
Share user location: This shows users where they are on the map if enabled
Expiry date: Date on which the share map will expire
Shared with: This allows you to add a password for access
Layers to share: Tick the layers to enable them on the share map
Text tool: Allows you to add text notes to the map
Pen tool: Allows you to draw a graphic on the map
Once created, you can update the expiry, password or layers shared by choosing the edit function.
Edit Existing Link
Select the Share map
Click on the context menu (three dots in the top right)
Click Edit
Update as required
Click Save or Cancel to exit
Share Existing Link
Select the Share map workflow from the sidebar
Select the preferred share map link from the list
Copy the link
Share as required
Ensure you are sharing a link that has not passed its expiry date. If expired, you will need to update the expiry before sharing.
Delete Existing Link
Select the Share map
Click on the context menu (three dots in the top right)
Click Delete
Update as required
Click Delete share map or Cancel to exit